ACD Systems Canvas plus GIS v15.5.1770 Incl.Keymaker-CORE


ACD Systems Canvas plus GIS v15.5.1770 Incl.Keymaker-CORE

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.: DESCRiPTiON :..  

Canvas 15 with the optional GIS module offers a powerful set of GIS-based features and commands that support a range of GIS formats, define complex map projections, and perform advanced property operations. It's an indispensable tool for GIS professionals in the oil & gas and energy sectors, aerospace and automotive industries, education, and government.

Streamline Your Workflow
Canvas 15 + GIS can handle all your GIS data needs. Import the following GIS specialized file formats:
TIFF (GeoTIFF TIFF/World File image, + pixel scale info. & location, in real world coordinates)
SHP (Shapefile)
E00 (ARC/INFO interchange)
RT1 (Tiger, Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing)
SDTS (USGS Spatial Data Transfer Standard)
MIF (Mapinfo Data Interchange)
S57 (International Hydrographic Organization)
ECW (Enhanced Compressed Wavelet images)
GML (Geography Markup Language)
Geo JPEG 2000
Geo BMP (BMP + projection info.)
Geo PNG (PNG + projection info.)
Geo GIF (GIF + projection info.)
GIS Text (TXT file with GIS data)
GPS Garmin (TXT file containing GPS Garmin data)
DOQ/NES/SES/NWS/SWS (USGS Digital Orthoquad Files)
DLG/DO/OPT (DLG-O files)
GPX (GPS exchange)

Canvas 15 with GIS also supports export to these GIS specialized formats:

TIFF, SHP, KML, KMZ, ECW, Geo JPEG, Geo JPEG 2000, Geo BMP, Geo PNG, Geo GIF, Geospatial PDF, and GIS Text.

Create with Precision

GIS Manager

Within Canvas' GIS Manager you can choose settings to define geo-referencing information for a new document, or re-set the projection of an open document. GIS Manager options include Projection, Geo CS, Angular Units, Linear Units, Axis Orientation, and the Auto Define Document Coordinate system dialog.

GIS Positioning Palette

Strategically move or position objects according to their latitude and longitude coordinates while displaying the Length and Forward Azimuth when measuring between two points, and the percentage of error. Measure distance in world coordinates by drawing and selecting a line between two points.

Replicate and Position Dialog

Create object replicates and precisely place them according to latitude and longitude.

Graticule Dialog

Create a grid of lines that displays meridians of longitude and parallels of latitude, while precisely controlling its units of measure, precision decimal levels, longitude, latitude, start/end points, spacing/divisions, latitude degree rotation, horizontal and vertical offsets, and even the label format settings.

Edit Geographic Coordinate System Dialog

Define a geographic coordinate system for a projection, and modify it with options such as Geo CS name, Ellipsoid, Prime Meridian, and Datum Transformation.

PointtoPoint command

Georegister a GIS drawing to the geographic location of a “known good” reference image.

Auto Define Document Coordinate System

Set your GIS drawing scale and reference point, and define a reference rectangle. Based on the selected point or defined bounding box, Canvas then automatically sets up the projected coordinate system for that file.

Visualize and Enhance

The Select by Property interface lets you create a project-specific customized query based upon unique properties, values, or other related criteria. Edit your query to meet new project needs, save for ongoing use, or share with colleagues.

Object Properties

View, numerically edit, and reapply map attributes that have been assigned to map objects via the Object Properties Table View command.

Buffer Objects

Create buffers for objects that are tagged Point, Line, or Area for greater visualization and map utilization.

Label by Property

Perform a query and assign text labels to map objects with defined settings such as text format, location, and rotation angle. You can also apply or adjust collision detection settings.

Visualize Data

Access many of the very detailed fill, stroke, ink, and GIS-specialized augmentation options required by GIS data visualization. Modify the appearance of map objects according to a selected property or a query to create thematic and choropleth maps.

Statistics by Property

View complete information regarding the total number of map objects on a layer or within a selection.
Symbol Library Palette and Visualize Data Command

Enhance map symbols to increase visual appeal and dynamically replace them at any time to ensure project consistency through the Symbol Library palette and Visualize Data command.

Image Warp and Coordinates Commands

Quickly, yet precisely, warp GIS illustrations with the Image Warp command. Or use the Coordinates command to place control points within a selected image and warp it according to these points.


1. Disconnect Internet connection

2. Install setup don't run it yet.

3. Run CORE's keymaker and patch hosts file first.

4. Run the program and enter generated licence, choose option "Register later" in next screen

5. Click on "Help" menu and choose "Offline Activation"

6. Copy your request code into the keygen and generate your unlock code.

7. Thanks To Original Uploader Core*
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