µtorrent Plus v3.4.2 Build 31893 Final Incl Crack


µtorrent Plus v3.4.2 Build 31893 Final Incl Crack

eblclZg.png (728×400)

  .: DESCRiPTiON :..

This is µTorrent 3.4.2, The latest version with a file key which removes the ads, its made for µTorrent Plus but it doesn't work anymore. What it does do though is remove the ads
(which is what annoyed me the most)

I thought I'd share it with you since this is the closest thing to the latest µTorrent Plus I have come across, µTorrent will come with with "Expired" in the bottem-left-hand corner but
that's nothing really to worry about :)

Play it Safe. Play it Now. Play it Anywhere

> Protect your computer with integrated antivirus
> Get the codecs you need to enjoy HD video
> Easily move files to your favorite devices
> No advertisements

Antivirus Protection
Automatically defends your PC and your library against viruses

HD Media Player
Seamlessly play all your torrent content

Convert & Play
Easily convert downloaded files to a playable format and transfer them to your different devices

Remote File Access
Directly access your µTorrent library anytime, from anywhere across the globe

ps. You can even save the key somewhere and simply use it everytime µTorrent updates :)


1. Disconnect Internet connection

2. Run app's setup µtorrent Plus

3.  Copy "uTorrent.exe" From Files Folder To Install Directory

4. Overwrite It and Launch it from there (Compulsory)

5. Thanks To Original uploader *

Ashampoo_Snap_2014.06.25_08h41m08s_002_.png (858×626)

Ashampoo_Snap_2014.06.25_08h40m33s_001_.png (329×349)

fyv7lAM.gif (2010×510) 


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