JetBrains PyCharm Professional v4.0.4 Build 139.1001 Final Incl Keygen
.: DESCRiPTiON :..
4 – The intelligent Python IDE with unique code assistance and
analysis, for productive Python development on all levels. Professional
Edition — advanced tool for advanced Python and Web development.
Support for modern web development frameworks, such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, web2py, etc.
Smart multi-language and cross-technology support, covering Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Cython, Template languages and more
Running, debugging and testing applications on remote hosts or virtual machines
Databases and SQL support, Class and database model diagrams
•Intelligent Code Editor
•Easy Code Navigation & Search
•Code Analysis
•Configurable language injections
•Python Refactoring
•Django IDE + JavaScript, HTML
•Django Templates Editing
•Django-Specific Code and Files
•Code insight for Django models and fields: navigation, autocompletion with type inference.
•Other Templating Languages
•Django Templates Debugging
•CoffeeScript & TypeScript
•JavaScript Debugger
•and much more ..
What's New in version 4.0.4 Build 139.1001:
This update contains a lot of improvements: IPython Notebook integration, the debugger, the embedded local terminal, Git and Subversion support, resolve of class references, Lettuce support, CSS support – all this have got our attention.
Also there is one small but handy feature. If you open a Python console tool window and would like to have more then one consoles there, now there is a special button just for that:
No subsystem:
WEB-14686 (Bug): Run Configurations: "CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect" error on invalid environment variable
IDEA-131621 (Bug): IDEA 139.144.2 takes forever to start. Hangs on 100% splash screen state
IDEA-131770 (Bug): IllegalStateException on start
WEB-14133 (Bug): Live template is evaluated inside another live template placeholder (scope: JSON)
PY-14678 (Bug): Lettuce should allow user to pass all arguments including -t, -r and others
PY-14796 (Bug): Running lettuce 0.2.19 fails
Build tools:
WEB-14606 (Feature): Gulp: use default run configuration when fetching tasks from gulpfile
WEB-13924 (Feature): Gulp: RC: provide possibility to define arguments for tasks
WEB-14508 (Feature): Add ability to hide gulp tasks from "Select Run/Debug configuration" dropdown
WEB-14635 (Cosmetics): Intention settings for CSS: remove extra line from 'Description'
WEB-14647 (Bug): Incorrect visualization of partially duplicated code blocks in css files.
WEB-14664 (Bug): Editor pane should recognize @charset-declared encoding for CSS/SCSS files
WEB-14733 (Bug): CSS calc erroneously shown to be syntax error for complex subexpressions
WEB-14308 (Bug): Mouse focus lost on style and script tags
WEB-12616 (Bug): Auto-formatting adds extra space - breaks CSS
PY-14513 (Feature): PyCharm 4.0 - Multiple Consoles
PY-14847 (Usability Problem): Execute selection in console: don't ask for target console when one is visible
PY-12782 (Usability Problem): pydevd.CheckAliveThread not killed when stoptrace() called
PY-13861 (Bug): Remote Debug Server: remote console output is not translated to debug console
IDEA-134572 (Bug): Watch edit by mouse click is triggered when it should not
PY-1509 (Bug): Debug variable inspection pane/tree does not support MultiValueDict
PY-14779 (Bug): ImportErrors with runserver in debug mode
PY-5834 (Bug): Incosistent representation of escaped values in debugger variable inspector
PY-12349 (Bug): Do not suggest live templates inside string literals
File System:
IDEA-134360 (Bug): Deadlock in vfs
RUBY-15995 (Bug): Rubymine 7 command line launcher doesn't exit on OSX
IDE Configuration:
IDEA-134370 (Performance Problem): Check connection via proxy freezes IDEA completely
IDEA-134737 (Bug): can't download plugin
IDEA-133305 (Security Problem): using TLS and a correct TLS/SSL certificate for product updates
IPython Notebook:
PY-14396 (Usability Problem): IPython Notebook: allow to specify already running notebook server on run cell
PY-14816 (Performance Problem): IPython Notebook: Pycharm is unresponsive when trying to start notebook server
PY-14503 (Bug): IPython Notebook, command-shift-up/down moves cell correctly, but scrolls to another location in the notebook
PY-14199 (Bug): IPython Notebook Editing in Pycharm causes "bad request" error when loading in web browser
PY-14819 (Bug): IPython Notebook: invalid link to settings in popup for missing configuration
PY-14312 (Bug): IPython Notebook: cell gets collapsed when editor width is too narrow for the output width
PY-14311 (Bug): IPython Notebook: Statement expected false positive for magic functions entered in just created cells
PY-14814 (Exception): IPython Notebook: commitDocument left PSI inconsistent: Throwable at com.intellij.psi.impl.DebugUtil.currentStackTrace
IDEA-134115 (Bug): Scanning files to index scans 'excluded' folders
PY-11932 (Bug): unresolved reference for c only libraries when library is installed by buildout
PY-11401 (Bug): pycharm code completion works but inserts unresolved references
WEB-13350 (Bug): Harmony modules: import star syntax does not work
WEB-14269 (Bug): Structure View for JSON: Collapse All does expand instead of collapse
JavaScript. Formatter:
WEB-14661 (Bug): JavaScript: Formatter: Assertion Error with enabled "Wrap at right margin" option on Code Cleanup action
WEB-14596 (Bug): `fade(#000, 50%)` background value must be valid in *.less files
Language Injection:
IDEA-133425 (Bug): JSON language injection in java string complains about escaped quotes
PHP templates:
WI-25683 (Bug): Smarty Paste Problem
Remote Interpreters:
PY-14829 (Performance Problem): Remote Interpreters: hang on trying to add new remote interperter
PY-14767 (Bug): Script Parameters not working as expected when used with "show command line afterwards"
Task Management:
IDEA-134191 (Bug): Tools -> Tasks -> Server -> Gitlab: allows access to first 20 projects only
IDEA-134893 (Performance Problem): SSH Terminal: hang on trying to close PyCharm after failed connection
IDEA-118860 (Performance Problem): SSH Terminal: Do not block UI on trying to connect to remote host
IDEA-124136 (Bug): SSH sessions not available in the Start SSH Session dialog
IDEA-134741 (Bug): Terminal: the toolwindow remains empty after opening
IDEA-118842 (Bug): Ineffective console standard output color (Terminal)
IDEA-118869 (Exception): SSH terminal: can't handle connection error correctly
IDEA-134487 (Exception): Terminal: not able to open without console foreground set: ISE at org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal.JBTerminalSystemSettingsProvider$MyColorSchemeDelegate.getDefaultForeground
User Interface:
IDEA-132237 (Usability Problem): Notification messages could have some useful actions
IDEA-104113 (Exception): Exception occurs if pressing alt+F1 shortcut ("Select In..." action) in repository browser
Version Control:
IDEA-117448 (Performance Problem): ShelvedChangesViewManager should not process all patches in config.patches on project load
Version Control. Git:
IDEA-68866 (Feature): Please support "reword" and "fixup" rebase options
IDEA-134721 (Usability Problem): Git: interactive Rebase: show error on Fixup option selecting for the very first commit
IDEA-88890 (Usability Problem): Notify user about Git Rebase is finished
IDEA-134736 (Performance Problem): Freeze on open commit dialog with more than 10000 files removed
IDEA-134564 (Task): GitHandler auth listener does not detect authentication failed.
IDEA-81563 (Bug): "Resolve conflicts..." option under "VCS | Git" is doing nothing after merge conflict in submodules
IDEA-123397 (Bug): Git: History for file doesn't show anything before the move if there were too many changes in the commit that moved the file
IDEA-133564 (Bug): Version Control - Git settings for Force Push are stored separately
IDEA-133873 (Bug): pre-commit hook that modifies files
IDEA-134424 (Bug): IntelliJ fails to show the interactive rebase dialog if there are "fixup" commits
IDEA-133737 (Bug): Regression for case with git+ssh+http_proxy
Version Control. Subversion:
IDEA-113535 (Usability Problem): Allow to Revert all Locally deleted files
IDEA-105028 (Task): Remove org.jetbrains.idea.svn.actions.AddAction
IDEA-103447 (Bug): Button "..." in "configure subversion branches" dialog is disabled
IDEA-113468 (Bug): Subversion1.8: Lock operation hangs up if no credentials are provided
IDEA-131822 (Bug): Subversion checkout dialog no longer intelligently suggests folders
IDEA-131171 (Bug): Weird SVN error message during diff
IDEA-125347 (Bug): svn error browsing for changes since a date
IDEA-124213 (Bug): VCS Local Change View - New unversioned file not listed if package is unversioned too
IDEA-133835 (Bug): Error on creating SVN patch
IDEA-110604 (Bug): Negative number of unversioned files in changes pane (PyCharm 2.7.3 @ macos 10.8.4)
Support for modern web development frameworks, such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, web2py, etc.
Smart multi-language and cross-technology support, covering Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Cython, Template languages and more
Running, debugging and testing applications on remote hosts or virtual machines
Databases and SQL support, Class and database model diagrams
•Intelligent Code Editor
•Easy Code Navigation & Search
•Code Analysis
•Configurable language injections
•Python Refactoring
•Django IDE + JavaScript, HTML
•Django Templates Editing
•Django-Specific Code and Files
•Code insight for Django models and fields: navigation, autocompletion with type inference.
•Other Templating Languages
•Django Templates Debugging
•CoffeeScript & TypeScript
•JavaScript Debugger
•and much more ..
What's New in version 4.0.4 Build 139.1001:
This update contains a lot of improvements: IPython Notebook integration, the debugger, the embedded local terminal, Git and Subversion support, resolve of class references, Lettuce support, CSS support – all this have got our attention.
Also there is one small but handy feature. If you open a Python console tool window and would like to have more then one consoles there, now there is a special button just for that:
No subsystem:
WEB-14686 (Bug): Run Configurations: "CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect" error on invalid environment variable
IDEA-131621 (Bug): IDEA 139.144.2 takes forever to start. Hangs on 100% splash screen state
IDEA-131770 (Bug): IllegalStateException on start
WEB-14133 (Bug): Live template is evaluated inside another live template placeholder (scope: JSON)
PY-14678 (Bug): Lettuce should allow user to pass all arguments including -t, -r and others
PY-14796 (Bug): Running lettuce 0.2.19 fails
Build tools:
WEB-14606 (Feature): Gulp: use default run configuration when fetching tasks from gulpfile
WEB-13924 (Feature): Gulp: RC: provide possibility to define arguments for tasks
WEB-14508 (Feature): Add ability to hide gulp tasks from "Select Run/Debug configuration" dropdown
WEB-14635 (Cosmetics): Intention settings for CSS: remove extra line from 'Description'
WEB-14647 (Bug): Incorrect visualization of partially duplicated code blocks in css files.
WEB-14664 (Bug): Editor pane should recognize @charset-declared encoding for CSS/SCSS files
WEB-14733 (Bug): CSS calc erroneously shown to be syntax error for complex subexpressions
WEB-14308 (Bug): Mouse focus lost on style and script tags
WEB-12616 (Bug): Auto-formatting adds extra space - breaks CSS
PY-14513 (Feature): PyCharm 4.0 - Multiple Consoles
PY-14847 (Usability Problem): Execute selection in console: don't ask for target console when one is visible
PY-12782 (Usability Problem): pydevd.CheckAliveThread not killed when stoptrace() called
PY-13861 (Bug): Remote Debug Server: remote console output is not translated to debug console
IDEA-134572 (Bug): Watch edit by mouse click is triggered when it should not
PY-1509 (Bug): Debug variable inspection pane/tree does not support MultiValueDict
PY-14779 (Bug): ImportErrors with runserver in debug mode
PY-5834 (Bug): Incosistent representation of escaped values in debugger variable inspector
PY-12349 (Bug): Do not suggest live templates inside string literals
File System:
IDEA-134360 (Bug): Deadlock in vfs
RUBY-15995 (Bug): Rubymine 7 command line launcher doesn't exit on OSX
IDE Configuration:
IDEA-134370 (Performance Problem): Check connection via proxy freezes IDEA completely
IDEA-134737 (Bug): can't download plugin
IDEA-133305 (Security Problem): using TLS and a correct TLS/SSL certificate for product updates
IPython Notebook:
PY-14396 (Usability Problem): IPython Notebook: allow to specify already running notebook server on run cell
PY-14816 (Performance Problem): IPython Notebook: Pycharm is unresponsive when trying to start notebook server
PY-14503 (Bug): IPython Notebook, command-shift-up/down moves cell correctly, but scrolls to another location in the notebook
PY-14199 (Bug): IPython Notebook Editing in Pycharm causes "bad request" error when loading in web browser
PY-14819 (Bug): IPython Notebook: invalid link to settings in popup for missing configuration
PY-14312 (Bug): IPython Notebook: cell gets collapsed when editor width is too narrow for the output width
PY-14311 (Bug): IPython Notebook: Statement expected false positive for magic functions entered in just created cells
PY-14814 (Exception): IPython Notebook: commitDocument left PSI inconsistent: Throwable at com.intellij.psi.impl.DebugUtil.currentStackTrace
IDEA-134115 (Bug): Scanning files to index scans 'excluded' folders
PY-11932 (Bug): unresolved reference for c only libraries when library is installed by buildout
PY-11401 (Bug): pycharm code completion works but inserts unresolved references
WEB-13350 (Bug): Harmony modules: import star syntax does not work
WEB-14269 (Bug): Structure View for JSON: Collapse All does expand instead of collapse
JavaScript. Formatter:
WEB-14661 (Bug): JavaScript: Formatter: Assertion Error with enabled "Wrap at right margin" option on Code Cleanup action
WEB-14596 (Bug): `fade(#000, 50%)` background value must be valid in *.less files
Language Injection:
IDEA-133425 (Bug): JSON language injection in java string complains about escaped quotes
PHP templates:
WI-25683 (Bug): Smarty Paste Problem
Remote Interpreters:
PY-14829 (Performance Problem): Remote Interpreters: hang on trying to add new remote interperter
PY-14767 (Bug): Script Parameters not working as expected when used with "show command line afterwards"
Task Management:
IDEA-134191 (Bug): Tools -> Tasks -> Server -> Gitlab: allows access to first 20 projects only
IDEA-134893 (Performance Problem): SSH Terminal: hang on trying to close PyCharm after failed connection
IDEA-118860 (Performance Problem): SSH Terminal: Do not block UI on trying to connect to remote host
IDEA-124136 (Bug): SSH sessions not available in the Start SSH Session dialog
IDEA-134741 (Bug): Terminal: the toolwindow remains empty after opening
IDEA-118842 (Bug): Ineffective console standard output color (Terminal)
IDEA-118869 (Exception): SSH terminal: can't handle connection error correctly
IDEA-134487 (Exception): Terminal: not able to open without console foreground set: ISE at org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal.JBTerminalSystemSettingsProvider$MyColorSchemeDelegate.getDefaultForeground
User Interface:
IDEA-132237 (Usability Problem): Notification messages could have some useful actions
IDEA-104113 (Exception): Exception occurs if pressing alt+F1 shortcut ("Select In..." action) in repository browser
Version Control:
IDEA-117448 (Performance Problem): ShelvedChangesViewManager should not process all patches in config.patches on project load
Version Control. Git:
IDEA-68866 (Feature): Please support "reword" and "fixup" rebase options
IDEA-134721 (Usability Problem): Git: interactive Rebase: show error on Fixup option selecting for the very first commit
IDEA-88890 (Usability Problem): Notify user about Git Rebase is finished
IDEA-134736 (Performance Problem): Freeze on open commit dialog with more than 10000 files removed
IDEA-134564 (Task): GitHandler auth listener does not detect authentication failed.
IDEA-81563 (Bug): "Resolve conflicts..." option under "VCS | Git" is doing nothing after merge conflict in submodules
IDEA-123397 (Bug): Git: History for file doesn't show anything before the move if there were too many changes in the commit that moved the file
IDEA-133564 (Bug): Version Control - Git settings for Force Push are stored separately
IDEA-133873 (Bug): pre-commit hook that modifies files
IDEA-134424 (Bug): IntelliJ fails to show the interactive rebase dialog if there are "fixup" commits
IDEA-133737 (Bug): Regression for case with git+ssh+http_proxy
Version Control. Subversion:
IDEA-113535 (Usability Problem): Allow to Revert all Locally deleted files
IDEA-105028 (Task): Remove org.jetbrains.idea.svn.actions.AddAction
IDEA-103447 (Bug): Button "..." in "configure subversion branches" dialog is disabled
IDEA-113468 (Bug): Subversion1.8: Lock operation hangs up if no credentials are provided
IDEA-131822 (Bug): Subversion checkout dialog no longer intelligently suggests folders
IDEA-131171 (Bug): Weird SVN error message during diff
IDEA-125347 (Bug): svn error browsing for changes since a date
IDEA-124213 (Bug): VCS Local Change View - New unversioned file not listed if package is unversioned too
IDEA-133835 (Bug): Error on creating SVN patch
IDEA-110604 (Bug): Negative number of unversioned files in changes pane (PyCharm 2.7.3 @ macos 10.8.4)
1. Disconnect Internet connection
2. Run app’s setup
2. Run app’s setup
3. After installation, Use Keygen for registration
4. Block its IneterNet connection with firewall
5. Thanks To Original Uploader EMBRANCE
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