FarStone DriveClone Workstation v11.10 Build 20150827 Incl Keygen - CORE
.: DESCRiPTiON :..
is one of the most popular hard disk (HDD) & solid state drive
(SSD) cloning and migration software. DriveClone is a time & money
saver for PC & server migration.
DriveClone automatically
clones your entire machine, including system files, applications,
preferences, emails, music, photos, movies, documents, and partitions.
But what makes DriveClone different from other disk cloning applications
is that it not only clones all data on a system, you can resize
partitions, exclude files from cloning, defrags the whole system,
removes temp files, and only clones the files that have been changed
since last cloning.
DriveClone Key Features
Adjust partition sizeExclude files/folders
Keep new! an exact copy of Hard disk or SSD
Clone different sizes disks
Schedule incremental cloning new!
Near real-time MirrorDrive new!
Rapid cloning (2X faster) new!
Partition 4K aligned new!
Tools to fix boot issues & retain GUID new!
DriveClone data migration is in Windows
Allows user keep working during migration process
Cloned disk is immediately bootable
Volume and sector-by-sector cloning
Smart cloning unique saves up to 70GB by excluding temp and redundant files
Universal cloning unique allows booting on other machine
Turn your external hard drive into a Mirror Driveunique
Factory Recovery Partition Cloningunique
Keep up to 99 File Versions on MirrorDrive unique (MirrorDrive)
Defrag Cloningunique will increase life-span & performance
Directly convert a PC to VMware & Hyper-v virtual machinesunique
Support SecureBoot, GPT, UEFI, and Dynamic Diskunique
Support all sizes (64GB/128GB/260GB/500GB/750GB/1TB/2TB/4TB or larger)
Support all drives (Seagate, WDC, Fujitsu, Hitachi, etc)
Raid to Hard disk/SSD cloning and migration; and vice versa
1. Disconnect Internet connection
2. Run app’s setup
3. After installation, Use Keygen for registration
4. Block its IneterNet connection with firewall
5. Thanks To Original Uploader COREIMPORTANT Note : Your antivirus may warn you about keygen & Patch Ignore it if happens, it is false positive. Tested, clean.
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