QuickBooks Point of Sale Pro MultiStore v11.0 R12 Incl Patch


QuickBooks Point of Sale Pro MultiStore v11.0 R12 Incl Patch

QuickBooks Point of Sale Pro
 .: DESCRiPTiON :..
With the Intuit QuickBooks Point of Sale Multi-Store businesses can easily ring up sales, accept credit cards, manage inventory and track customers. Instant reports show you top-selling products, customer stats, sales data and more.

Key Features:
- Fully featured iPad Point of Sale System
- Handles sales, inventory and customer tracking
- Online Web Access Anytime, Anywhere
- Always On Mode: Take card payments during Internet outages
- Seamless credit card processing with QuickBooks Payments
- Tailored to Shops, Retailers, and Quick Serve Restaurants
- Integrates with QuickBooks

Key Benefits:
- Detailed sales and inventory reports let's you know what is selling and what is not.
- Instant reports can show you top selling products, best customers and sales data for any time period you choose.
- Save inventory tracking time. No manual tracking-your inventory is updated with every sale, order, and return.
- Point of Sale is designed to be easy
- The customer center helps you keep track of your customers and their shopping habits.
- Automatically track and reward your best customers
- Easily access key customer information, like birthdays or last item purchased
- Quickly let your customers know whether or not an item is in stock
- Keep customers coming back with loyalty programs, gift cards, and personalized email reminders, updates, and specials
- Automatically generate letters and customer mailing labels
- Target top customers for an event or promotion
- Accept Credit Cards on your Mobile Device
- Accept credit cards on your mobile device. All sales and inventory information instantly syncs with your POS software so your records are always accurate and up-to-date.
- Accept payments, and track inventory on your mobile device (smart phone or tablet).
- Information instantly syncs with your POS SW so you can stay on top of your your business no matter where you make your next sale
- And if you are a QuickBooks user, all your information automatically syncs with your QB financial software.
- Transfer data to QuickBooks Accounting software2 with a click. You won't have to worry about data entry errors from retyping data and will be better prepared at tax time.
- Point of Sale is designed to be easy to set up so most retailers can start using the Point of Sale the same day.
- Use the simple Setup Interview to get started quickly and easily.
- If you already have lists of customers, items or vendors, you can quickly import them from QuickBooks Accounting software3 or Microsoft Excel 5 to help save time on manual data entry.
- You'll also find in-product video tutorials to guide you through the most important daily tasks.
- Save time and money accepting credit cards
- Start accepting payments instantly. Simply activate your payments account and you are ready to go

New in Version 11.0 R12:
- Point of Sale will no longer return an error if the backup screen is clicked on while the backup is taking place
- When opening Point of Sale error message "Value cannot be null. Parameter:s" will no longer occur
- Point of Sale will no longer become unresponsive when the 'Company Operations' window is open and the program is clicked on
- The Connection Wizard will now assist in connecting client workstations to the server
- Client can now be updated automatically if client is trying to connect to a server of higher release
- Point of Sale Add-ons developed by third party developers will no longer return an error when adding multiple items to a receipt using IPOSDocumentItems.AddItems in the add on interface
- Help section will now show correctly in all windows
- Point of Sale Add-ons developed by third party developers will no longer timeout on REST Queries
- Operating System information now being reported correctly when participating in the Analytics Study
- Home page will now be enabled immediately after closing any window in Point of Sale
- Search accuracy from Item List improved
- 'QBPOSShell has stopped working' will no longer display when right clicking on Point of Sale from the task bar and then selecting the Point of Sale program
- Point of Sale will now minimize when the icon is clicked on from the task bar.

- Cursor will now default to the swipe field when taking a debit card as form of payment

Sales, Purchasing and Items:
- Multiple instances of Purchase Order will no longer occur
- Customer history can now be viewed from the sales receipt
- Selecting a sales receipt from customer history will no longer return an error
- The correct Purchase Order will now show when accessing Purchase Orders from the Sales Order list
- Selecting Purchase Order from the 'In progress' menu will now display the new Purchase Order instead of the Purchase Order list
- Item Stats will now show statistics for more than 100 records
- Net Sales will now display correctly for all items
- Receiving Voucher will now display correctly when accessing a voucher by going to Reports > Vendor List, selecting a vendor and choosing the 'View List' option then choosing 'Receive items from this vendor' from the 'I Want To' menu
- On hand quantities of 100,000 or more will no longer return and 'Invalid Input' message
- Return Item receipt number will now display when accepting a return on a Sales Receipt.

- Customer history and statistics will now display correctly when creating a new customer
- Selecting 'Make a Sale' from the 'Switch To' menu on a customer after accessing it from the Customer List will now take you to a Sales Receipt
- All Displayed Customers' will now display accurate information when exporting customers to Excel
- Customer Type' field will no longer truncate types with more than sixteen characters.

Employee Security:
- Employee Security now displays the correct help topic
- Description of security right will now display when a Security Right is selected
- Employee security group can no longer make changes to store account settings

Financial Exchange:
- Point of Sale will no longer become unresponsive when exchanging data with QuickBooks for larger Point of Sale data files
- The full item description from the Point of Sale receipt will now be sent to QuickBooks in the financial exchange

Mobile Sync:
- Non-taxable items sold on mobile devices will no longer cause an 'Unbalanced Payment' error in the financial exchange and will send successfully to QuickBooks.
- "Value cannot be null. Parameter:s" will no longer be returned when running a mobile sync
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