Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14371 (x86/x64) Direct Download ESD & ISO Links


Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14371 (x86/x64) Direct Download ESD & ISO Links

windows 10

What's new in Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14371

User Interface

  • The Action Center now has an animation when notifications are deleted or moved by Windows

Microsoft Edge

  • Edge has been updated from version 38.14367 to version 3x.14371 with the following updates
    • When a download is opened outside of Edge, Edge will now launch with the download hub enabled


  • Visual updates and others
    • The 3D display state will now be saved when upgrading


  • You can now troubleshoot activations
  • It is now possible to link your Microsoft Account to your digital license

Other features

  • Improved learning speed and prediction in the Japanse IME
  • Improved sound and network icon on non-standard DPI settings
  • Improved reliability for the Action Center

Fixed issues

  • Narrator will now work again when toggled in the Settings app
  • Narrator will now speak at a normal speed again
  • Fixes an issue where the Japanse IME would hang for a short time
  • Fixes an issue where keyboard focus would move to the next favorite when editing the name of a favorite causes the the caret to go beyond the end of the textbox
  • Fixes an issue where pressing enter would not trigger Edge to navigate to that URL of you opened a tab and started typing shortly afterwards
  • MPEG-2 videos will no longer show the wrong duration in the Movies and TV app
  • Fixes an issue where the "Scan options" text in Defender would be clipped on High-DPI screens
  • Fixes an issue where offline scan event wasn't correctly formatted and would show an exposed parameter in the Event Logs
  • Fixes an issue where the permission dialog for a new extension in Edge appears under the favorites bar
  • Fixes the "Please allow third party cookies in your browser"-error on some wbesites when using OneNote Web Clipper in Edge
  • Fixes an issue that caused the Action Center icon to be clipped by the Show desktop icon at 225% DPI
  • Fixes an issue that caused old appointments to show up between today's events
  • Fixes an issue that caused some keys to stop working when switching between the OCT and HEX mode
  • Fixes an issue where pressing Enter in the calculator would open the menu instead of calculating the result
  • Fixes an issue where the VPN Settings page could freeze when pressing Connect
  • Fixes an issue that caused VPN to attempt to automatically connect over metered networks when "Allow VPN over metered connection" is off
  • Fixes an issue where the Settings icon would be missing from Background apps and Data usage settings page
  • Fixes an issue where content in the Windows Insider Program page could be truncated
  • Fixes an issue with File Explorer that made it show two copies of a picture or screenshot taken on a phone whne that phone is connected to the PC while only one file exists on the phone
  • Fixes a glitching animation and missing animation when going to the All apps list and tile grid in start in tablet mode
  • Fixes the "The VPN connection needs your sign-in info"-notification showing up twice in Action Center when one needed to be displayed
  • Fixes an issue that caused some PDFs to not print
  • Fixes an issue where a focus box was sometimes visible in start, preventing type-to-search from working

Known issues

  • Clicking the network and VPN toglles in the network flyout won't launch the network settings
Change log information taken from
Thanks To WZOR
 01 03 05 04 02
Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14371 (x86/x64) Direct Download ESD Links
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