Helicon Filter Incl loader


Helicon Filter Incl loader

 .: DESCRiPTiON :..
Helicon Filter is not a usual image editor for beginners, it can offer you more than just basic operations many programs can cope with. You do not need any preliminary training or studying to start working – intuitive interface will give you all the answers. And once you get started with basics, you will be impressed by a comprehensive set of advanced features for more complicated and sophisticated image editing tasks.
Even if you've never done any image editing before and don't know what can be done to an image, with Helicon Filter you can learn it from the interface. The name of each tab will tell you about the typical tasks of image editing: adjusting brightness or colors, removing noise and aberrations, correcting distortions, sharpening etc. The basics tab contains all the main tools you might need for standard image editing, and each specific tab will provide you with all the advanced tools to go further.
Editing with Helicon Focus is non-detsructive. It means that all the changes are made to the copy of the image created automatically, while the original image is kept safe. Moreover, any change made to the image can be cancelled at any time, even after the current editing session is over. You can check the full list of editing tools and features here.
Now that the editing's done, your images are ready to be printed. We know exactly what you might need when printing images, that's why we've created a reliable printing utility - Helicon Print. It includes all the adjustments you might need when printing not just a regular document, but a photograph. Easy to use and smoothly operating, it allows to change printer settings, to manipulate image size and positioning, to adjust the main parameters of the image like brightness, white balance, saturation and sharpening. Helicon Print takes into account all the specifics of image printing, unlike regular ones that were developed mainly for documents. In other words, it's a perfect printing tool for amateur and professional photographers.
Social networking and online communication have truly become an integral part of photographers' life and business activity. Our Helicon Web Gate utility integrated in Helicon Filter makes the process of uploading your images to social networks and main file hosting services really simple. But even if you do not have a current account, Helicon Filter makes it very easy to share links to your images. A single click will automatically convert the image, resize it to be published online and upload it to HeliconSoft secure server. In just few seconds you'll get a unique URL that you can send to any of your colleagues and friends or post it online
Straightening, cropping, and resizing
Auto image straightening    You can draw a line along an area that should be straight, such as the horizon, for example, and the image will be rotated.
List of predefined proportions for your image    When you want to change the proportions of your image, you can choose from a list of predefined proportions (typical for web and for different paper sizes) or you can set your own porportions.
Precise selection positioning    You can set the coordinates of the portion you want to crop, measured in pixels from the left top corner.
Flexible resizing options
You can set the number of pixels (or mm, cm, or inches) on the sides of an image or you can resize the image by percent.
Brightness Adjustment
Automatic brightness adjustment    The program analyzes your image and changes the brightness parameters. You simply choose the degree of correction: conservative, normal, aggresssive, or extreme.
Advanced manual brightness adjustment    For advanced adjustments you can control many aspects of brightness. For example, you can increase or decrease contrast, exposure, and local contrast, and you can brighten or darken highlights and shadows.
Exposure warnings    As you adjust brightness you can see which areas will become overexposed (shown in red) and underexposed (shown in blue).
Automatic contrast adjustment    The program analyzes the image and adjusts the contrast. You just choose the degree of adjustment: conservative, normal, aggressive, or extreme.
Manual contrast adjustment    You can set the "black point" and the "white point" to make the "blacks" more black and the "whites" more white.
Full and gradiental haze removal    You can reduce haziness throughout an entire image or in the top (or bottom) of it only. Typically this is needed for landscape photos where the background is hazy but haze removal for the foreground makes the colors unnaturally bright.
Colors Adjustments
Automatic white balance adjustment    Pick the grey or white point on an image and all the colors are adjusted automatically.
Changing the color's temperature    You can make the colors warmer or colder by dragging the colors temperature slider.
Full control over white balance    For full control over the hues in an image, you can drag the RGB sliders or select the desired hue on the color map.
Converting to monochrome    You can convert your image to greyscale or sepia, and you can also choose any color you want and put the image into shades of this color.
Saturation adjustment    You can increase / decrease saturation of all colors or choose one or more colors to saturate / desaturate.
Brightness adjustment for selected colors    You can increase / decrease brightness for the selected colors only.
Noise reduction
Automatic noise reduction    The program automatically detects the level of noise and removes it.
Noise reduction for selected colors    You can choose which color(s) you wish to reduce the noise for. For example, you might want to reduce the noise in the sky but leave it in for the trees, to leave in more detail,.
Advanced noise reduction    You can control several parameters of the noise reduction algorithm, such as the level of chromatic noise.
Sharpening fine details    Makes an image less fuzzy by detecting and amplifying thin lines and fine details.
Sharpening edges    Emphasizes all the edges by adding halos; you can change the brightness and width of the halo.
Sharpening selected colors    You can choose to sharpen some colors and leave others alone. For example, you can sharpen everything except the faces (because why would you want to emphasize the wrinkles?).
Lens distortion correction
Barrel distortion correction    This distortion typically occurs due to a wide-angle lens.
Horizontal / vertical distortions    These distortions typically occur due to the position of the camera relative to the object of interest.
Correction of vignetting    Vignetting is an optical problem that results in unnaturally dark corners in the image. It most often appears on wide-angle shots.
Entering Text on photos
Type effects    You have a choice of: embossed paper effect, highlighted text, shadowed text, adding transparency, and rotating the text.
Special symbols and image metadata    You can easily insert special symbols, such as '©,' and image metadata, such as the date and time when the image was taken or the aperture and camera model.
Picture frames
Solid color frame    You can pick a color from the color palette or select it from the image with the eyedropper. You can also add a shadow effect or gradient transition from the image to the frame, etc.
Gradient color frame    This is the same as a solid color frame, except that you choose two colors for the gradient.
Stretched and mirrored frames    For these two frames, the original image is either mirrored or stretched and blurred. Frames such as these can be very appealing because they use the colors of the original image.
Third-party vector frames    We offer a large number of free vector frames; you can change the colors for most of them.
Fixing Aberrations
Lateral CA    Lateral CA is most often visible in contrasting areas on the sides and in the corners of images. It tends to make the image look as if the red and blue parts have shifted from or towards the center of the image.
Purple fringing    This usually looks like a false purple contour.
Artistic Blur Effects
You can add different bokeh shapes, ranging from a puffy circle to a heart.
Real-time brush preview    You can see the effect of the brush as you move it.
Color sensitivity    You can make the brushes color sensitive, so that you only change areas with a similar color when you retouch an image.
Touch-up tool    Removes scratches, blemishes, etc.
Cloning tool    You can clone part(s) of an image and alter their transparency or you can change only the texture.
Change color brush    You can replace one color with another with different transparency, preserving the original brightness.
Change brightness / saturation brushes    You can change the brightness and saturation in the part(s) of the image you've selected.
Blur / sharpen brush    You can blur / sharpen selected parts of the image.
Fix red eyes tool    Just point to the "red eye" area to replace it with the appropriate color of your choice—grey, black, or brown.
Distortion brush    This is one of the most useful tools for retouching faces; it lets you correct the shape of teeth, eyes, nose, etc.
Advanced selection tool    You can select areas of the image with a similar color.
View EXIF    EXIF information is stored with an image and includes information such as the time and date the photo was taken, resolution, shutter speed, etc.
GeoTagging    You can save EXIF GPS information by pointing to the place on Panoramio map where the image was taken. If your camera automatically saves GPS data, you can browse for your images on the map.
Printing    There is a printing utility.
Upload to Picasa, Facebook, and Flickr    Helicon WebGate can upload images to the three most popular internet galleries and can store your credentials if you wish. With WebGate you can easily upload to all three galleries simply by switching accounts.
Super speedy web publishing    Automatically convert, resize for the web and upload your images to HeliconSoft's secure server with just one click. You'll get a unique URL that you can immediately send to anybody to show them your image.
Supported formats
Bitmaps (*.bmp)
JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
JPEG 2000 (*.jp2)
TIFF (*.tif, *.tiff)
Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif), but no Animated GIFs
Adobe Photoshop (*.psd)
Digital NeGative (*.dng)
RAW formats
Minolta Raw (*.mrw)
Olympus Raw (*.orf)
Nikon NEF (*.nef)
Canon Raw (*.crw, *.cr2)
Sony Raw (.srf, *.sr2, *.arw)
Sony PMP (*.pmp)
Epson Raw (*.erf)
Panasonic RW2 (*.rw2)
Samsung Raw (*.srw)
FujiFilm RAF (*.raf)
Pentax *ist D PEF (*.pef)
Kodak PDC format (*.dcr)
Kodak KDC format (*.kdc)
Foveon X3F (*.x3f)
Leaf Valeo MOS (*.mos)
Stereo formats
Multi Picture Object (*.mpo)
JPEG Stereo (*.jps)
PNG Stereo (*.pns)
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Thanks To Original Uploader PCL
02 03


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