IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2016.2 Incl License Key


IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2016.2 Incl License Key

 .: DESCRiPTiON :..
IntelliJ IDEA includes an amazing set of tools which work out-of-the-box: support for Maven, Gradle and STS; integration with Git, SVN, Mercurial; built-in Database Tools; and many more.
Debugging lambdas DEBUGGER
If the line you're adding a breakpoint to has a lambda expression, the IDE asks you where exactly you'd like to stop.
When you use Step Into or Run to Cursor, the IDE stops at the corresponding lambda expression.
Force Return DEBUGGER
With the new Debugger action called Force Return, you can force a return from the current method without executing any more instructions from it.
If the method returns a value, you’ll have to specify it (with smart code completion provided).
If the method has try-finally blocks, you’ll be able to choose whether to execute them or not.
Improved UI for testing USER INTERFACE
The entire test runner tool window has been created from scratch to provide a unified interface for all languages, complete with inline statistics, vertical layout, test results history, and export/import actions. More details »
Find in Path: Preview Pane
Instant preview for Find in Path USER INTERFACE
To make the 'Find in Path' action more responsive, we've added a Preview tab which shows the first 100 results in real time. Now to find what you need, you don't even have to leave the dialog.
Run configurations with a state indicator USER INTERFACE
Now every run configuration has a small green indicator that tells you if it's running. If your run configuration is a Single instance only, the IDE will show you the Restart action instead of the Run action on the toolbar. More details »
Adjustments for color deficiency USER INTERFACE
When you enable the 'Adjust for color deficiency' option, you can choose the form of color blindness. Currently, we support only the red-green color deficiency. More details »
Running Applications via Gutter Icon
One click to run the application or tests USER INTERFACE
The gutter has become more interactive and now allows running applications and tests.
On-the-fly code duplicates detection EDITOR
IntelliJ IDEA 15 allows you to spot code duplicates on the fly. Now, if you stumble upon an existing duplicate, or somehow create one either by writing or pasting code, you will know it instantly. This feature is currently available only for Java. More details »
Expression type EDITOR
The Expression Type action, previously available only in Scala, now works for Java, Groovy and Kotlin expressions as well.
Available via Ctrl + Shift + P (Cmd + Shift + P for OS X) this is the easiest way to know the inferred type of any expression without touching the mouse.
Encoding special HTML characters
Encoding special HTML characters
Use the Encode XML/HTML Special Characters action to encode special characters in your HTML code, replacing them with HTML entities that start with &. Quick and easy!
Kotlin, the JVM language that JetBrains is crafting, goes Beta. IntelliJ IDEA 15 bundles the Kotlin plugin and provides support for Kotlin out of the box.
We added support for the @Builder annotation, introduced in Groovy 2.3. The support includes code completion and quick navigation for all four strategies.
We added many new features and enhancements in Scala:
Macro Expansion Extractor
Debugging: stopping at Lambda Expressions
Postfix completion
Inline Refactoring for Type Aliases
And more…
Enjoy better coding assistance for the new features added to Spring 4.2 and Spring Boot. More details »
The Spring Initializr in the Project Wizard has been improved and now provides quick search, automatic Maven/Gradle import, and creating Spring Boot run configurations.
The update comes with the initial support for Grails 3.x, the latest version of the popular Groovy-based web application framework. More details »
IntelliJ IDEA 15 introduces initial support for the Arquillian testing platform.
Now you can configure containers for your project, and then easily run any test against a chosen container. The IDE will take care of all dependencies for you.
The new features of Android Studio 1.3 are available in IntelliJ IDEA 15:
Android Memory (HPROF) Viewer
Allocation Tracker
Now when importing a Gradle/SBT project, you can select specific modules instead of importing the whole project. More details »
New support of TypeScipt 1.6 features includes:
Intersection types
Type guard functions
Local types
Exclude property in tsconfig.json
Integration with TSLint, a linter for TypeScript, is also available
The coding assistance for React, a popular front-end JavaScript framework, has been greatly improved:
Code completion and navigation for CSS class names
Warning for unclosed HTML tags
Surround with action in the JSX files
Better navigation
Coding assistance for React-specific attributes
More details »
IntelliJ IDEA 15 comes with basic support for AngularJS 2: the IDE provides code completion and navigation for directives and bindings and understands new event attributes.
The Rebase action is now available in the Branches menu on equal terms with Merge, supporting multiple roots, automatic stash/unstash and conflict resolve.
Editing Code in Diff Viewer
Editing code in the Commit dialog VERSION CONTROL
Editing capabilities are now also available in the Commit Dialog. If you want to make a quick edit, there's no need to switch back to the editor anymore. Editing works in both the Two-sided and One-sided Diff Viewers.
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