Unity 3D Professional 5.4.0 p1

.: DESCRiPTiON :..
You can create any 2D or 3D game with Unity. You can make it with ease, you can make it highly-optimized and beautiful, and you can deploy it with a click to more platforms than you have fingers and toes. What’s more, you can use Unity’s integrated services to speed up your development process, optimize your game, connect with an audience, and achieve success.
You can create any 2D or 3D game with Unity. You can make it with ease, you can make it highly-optimized and beautiful, and you can deploy it with a click to more platforms than you have fingers and toes. What’s more, you can use Unity’s integrated services to speed up your development process, optimize your game, connect with an audience, and achieve success.
Unity’s fully featured plan, includes...
Unlimited revenue cap
Total flexibility for Pro developers with an unlimited revenue and funds raised capacity.
Custom splash screenUnlimited revenue cap
Total flexibility for Pro developers with an unlimited revenue and funds raised capacity.
Use our upcoming animation tools to create your own splash screen, or remove the splash entirely.
Frequent updates
Monthly and quarterly releases that maintain a focus on quality and stability.
Create faster with Cloud Build, host more players with Multiplayer, and get deeper insights with raw Analytics data in real time.
Other Pro features also included:
Performance ReportingCloud Build: concurrent buildsMultiplayer: 200 CC users Unity AdsAnalytics: Raw data + 5,000 analysis pointsUnity Dark Skin UI editorUnity certification curriculum (3 months of access)Flexible seat managementAlways updating with new features, services, and tech
Build fantastic games using this game creator
Unity is a multiplatform game development tool, that was designed from the start to ease creation. A fully integrated professional application, Unity just happens to contain the most powerful engine this side of a million dollars.
Fully Integrated Editor
The Unity game engine is happily married to the Unity development environment. This tight integration allows the Editor to do everything a published game can do. The simple, visual, and intuitive nature of the Editor makes building games fun again.
Graphical Fidelity
Unity has a highly optimized graphics pipeline for both DirectX and OpenGL. Animated meshes, particle systems, advanced lighting and shadows, all will run blazing fast.
Unity's Asset Pipeline is Unmatched.
All major tools and file formats are supported, any art application can be used with Unity.
One-Click Deployment
Unity supports a wide range of publishing platforms, all available at the push of a single button.
Unity's shader system combines ease of use, flexibility and performance. All the built-in shaders integrate perfectly with any type of light, with cookies or without. If that's not enough you can write your own shaders in Unity's powerful ShaderLab language with Cg and GLSL.
Vast, densely foliaged landscapes that work smooth on low-end hardware. All that and they take up almost no disk space.
Take your single-player game and easily bring it online. Add some online high scores and chat. Create real-time networked multiplayer functionality. Unity supports all networking needs out of the box with little learning and even less effort.
Advanced Physics
Give your GameObjects life with the built-in Ageia PhysX Physics Engine. It's the world's most advanced physics engine and is used in games like Unreal Tournament 2007 and Ghost Recon 3.
Audio and Video
Mix realtime 3D graphics with streamed audio and video.
Best Of All Worlds
Unity supports three scripting languages: JavaScript, C#, and a dialect of Python called Boo. All three are equally fast and interoperate. All three can use the underlying .NET libraries which support databases, regular expressions, XML, file access and networking.
Unity Asset Server
The essence of game development is multi-disciplinary collaboration. The Unity Asset Server is an add-on product which adds version control to Unity.
Shadow and Light
Unity's provides a highly optimized lighting system with realtime shadows and baked lightmaps. Use shadow and light to great effect, without worrying about the gritty technical details.
Thorough Learning Materials
There is a wealth of support and knowledge to soak up. From User Guides to Scripting References to PDF Tutorials, it's easy to have all your questions answered. Not enough for you? Highly-active forums, IRC, and an open community wiki will get you the answers you need, every time.
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