Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14905 (x86/x64) Direct Download ESD

What's new in Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14905
Microsoft Edge
- Edge has been updated from version 39.14901 to version 3x.14905 with the following features
- You can now use Ctrl + O to move focus to the address bar
Other features
- Narrator Scan mode has been updated to support Ctrl + Alt + Home to go to the beginning of a table and Ctrl + Alt + End to go to the end
Fixed issues
- Fixes an issue where a blank space would appear between the address bar and the website you're visiting in Edge
- Fixes an issue where Sketchpad and Screen Sketch would crash when switching ink color rwice in a row when the ruler was enabled
- Adobe Acrobat Reader will crash when you launch it
- Cortana's text to speech capability is not functional
- Clicking thep ower button in the Start menu will cause Start to close and won't show the flyout to restart, shutdown or sleep
- Some apps like YAhoo Mail, Trivia Crack, Skype Translater Preview and Google will crash due to compatibility issues with platform changes
- The Settings app may crash on some editions of Windows 10
Thanks To WZOR

Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14905 (x86/x64) Direct Download ESD Links
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