Tweetings for Twitter v10.0.7.1 Paid Apk

.: DESCRiPTiON :..
A beautiful Twitter client to immerse yourself in the Twitter experience.
Beautiful themes, including a full Material Design experience, powerful features and highly customizable.
True Push Notifications - Runs over 3G or WiFi for mentions, Direct
Messages, when you get a new follower, when you are retweeted, quoted or
liked, etc. You don't even need the app open! We don't keep connections
open to Twitter on your device, our push servers do all the hard work
so your battery doesn't suffer.Beautiful themes, including a full Material Design experience, powerful features and highly customizable.
✓ Full support for Retweet with Comment in both sending, showing and receiving push notifications
✓ Support for Android 7.0 Nougat
✓ Powerful customisation to the navigation of the app. You are in total control of your experience. Don't want liked tweets, no problem, just remove those sections. With Tweetings you can even have a list timeline as your main timeline rather than home.
✓ Stacked timeline. A great new way to view your Tweets. View your home timeline grouped by the user's who posted them.
✓ New style Twitter quoted retweet support directly on the timeline. Send quoted Tweets, get notifications when you are quoted and even have them delivered to your mentions timeline.
✓ Post Gifs directly to Twitter using Giphy
✓ Multiple Twitter photo support
✓ Clickable links in your timeline, long press links for more options
✓ Long press tweets for quick actions
✓ Animated Gif searching, posting and viewing support
✓ Twitter video posting & viewing support, including up to 140 second videos
✓ Android Wear support! View your timeline and reply directly to a notification. You can also send a new Tweet directly from your watch!
✓ Realtime streaming updates, total optional. Can even run in the background
✓ Chat Heads for received Direct Messages
✓ Beautiful Card UI and Drawer navigation
✓ Wonderful, rich, high-quality image previews, including beautiful parallax effect and swipe down to close
✓ Powerful theme builder, allowing you to create, download and share custom themes
✓ Multiple Twitter accounts
✓ Save as many draft tweets as you want
✓ Internal Web browser
✓ Mute users, hashtags, keywords and clients, with official Twitter mute user syncing and auto-expiry
✓ Muffle users, they still show in your timeline, just less prominently
✓ Clickable links in the timeline
✓ Search your own timelines
✓ Twitlonger support
✓ Tweetmarker timeline sync for Home, Mentions, Lists and Saved Searches
✓ Customizable navigation. Put whatever is important to you at the forefront
✓ Dashclock integration
✓ Chrome tabs support
✓ Timeline and mention widgets
✓ Parallax timeline effect
✓ Support, including Material Design, back to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
✓ And a whole lot more...
..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :..✓ Multiple Twitter accounts
✓ Save as many draft tweets as you want
✓ Internal Web browser
✓ Mute users, hashtags, keywords and clients, with official Twitter mute user syncing and auto-expiry
✓ Muffle users, they still show in your timeline, just less prominently
✓ Clickable links in the timeline
✓ Search your own timelines
✓ Twitlonger support
✓ Tweetmarker timeline sync for Home, Mentions, Lists and Saved Searches
✓ Customizable navigation. Put whatever is important to you at the forefront
✓ Dashclock integration
✓ Chrome tabs support
✓ Timeline and mention widgets
✓ Parallax timeline effect
✓ Support, including Material Design, back to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
✓ And a whole lot more...
Just install
Thanks To Original Uploader

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