Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional


Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional

.: DESCRiPTiON :..
Especially designed for web experts, this reliable and effective application allows them to build stunning and interactive websites
Creating websites for making available some software or other kind of products, for sharing thoughts and ideas or for any other purpose was always a challenge for those who wanted to mix good looks with functionality.
Fortunately, there are quite a few dedicated tools that will enable anyone, regardless of their experience and expertise in this area, to build the website they envision. One of those utilities is Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional, a very easy to use solution that manages to successfully balance appearance and practicality.
Through what would seem a mere unsophisticated wizard at a first glance, the application turns the whole process into an actual fun and interactive activity. Right off the bat, Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional allows users to opt for one of the general configuration modes available, which are 'Basic' and 'Expert'.
The difference between the two methods consists of some advanced features that can be activated and used in the secondly mentioned mode. Thus, besides adding elementary information like the website title, author, URL address, description, keywords, language and icon, the 'Expert' way includes metatags, sitemap generation and code protection for disabling attempt to copy content from your webpages.
In case you are unsure about the overall design, Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional comes to assist you by offering a wide variety of templates. You can even edit them and create new ones, according to your personal preferences.
The content and objects that are added to each page can be configured manually to such an extent that everything can be customized. There are many advanced features you can embed in your project, including styles and models, RSS feeds, various menus and messages.
Using the analysis functions that are specific to Incomedia WebSite X5 Professional, you will be able to verify the content and fix any errors before publishing the site online. As a whole, the package is quite well put together and will prove of good use for beginner users as well as for more experienced ones.
Key points of WebSite X5 Professional 13:
More than 1,000 graphic templates that can be customized;
Customization from scratch for a new project;
Image libraries and apps;
Online shops that accept credit cards;
Management products and discounts;
Control Panel to manage applications;
Management of access to restricted areas;
Integration with databases;
Buttons and boxes for social networking applications;
Multi-language websites;
Online updates for dynamic content;
Creating responsive websites;
Optimization for mobile and compatible with touch devices;
App to spread news of the website;
Advanced analysis functions and optimization (SEO);
Full project management and backup.
Taking into account the target audience in question, Incomedia did a good
job. did not leave anything for other people's hands.
Since customization at the highest level to the maximum to avoid
lines of code writing - but also may add root
But for those who can not program this may well be the input tool for
a very interesting world without code and hassle that will generate
certainly good visual and functional projects.
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