JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate 2016.2.2

.: DESCRiPTiON :..
ReSharper is a comprehensive Visual Studio extension that provides support for the usage of multiple programming languages, cross-language functionality and refactoring existing scripts.
The supported scripting languages include C#, VB.NET, XAML, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, HTML, CSS, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, NAnt and MSBuild.
The extension features code quality analysis for all the supported languages, which results in instantly indicating errors and offering possible solutions.
You can analyze the project dependencies, build hierarchies and visualize type dependency diagrams, for in-depth comparison.
You can use the Navigation tool to easily switch between projects, files, types or members in your codebase.
The Find option can help you identify and replace words or entire segments of code. Moreover, you can generate advanced placeholders, in which to specify the CSS selector and the control type.
ReSharper offers a large collection of annotation types that you can use to define the placeholders, such as RegexPatternAttribute, PathReferenceAttribute or LocalizationRequiredAttribute.
The built-in decompiler allows you to view and manage referenced assemblies, by easily navigating to a certain piece of code.
Several code editing tools are also available for you, including IntelliSense, code transformations, namespaces or code rearranging.
Moreover, the code generation actions can automatically create properties, overloads, implementations or comparers by hand.
The tool also allows you to refactor code bases without affecting the rest of the project. It is a reliable solution when handling legacy codes or when you need to restructure your project.
ReSharper also supports code formatting, naming style assistance and other code preferences, which you can perform with code cleanup.
From this point of view, the tool is a suitable solution for cleaning up your script and removing unnecessary segments of code.
ASP.NET Core 1.0 RTM
ReSharper 2016.2 adds initial support of ASP.NET Core 1.0 RTM. ReSharper should now correctly resolve project references in projects of this type and provide its core set of features, including refactorings, code inspections and navigation.
Tag helper syntax is now also supported in terms of code completion, navigation, search and refactorings.
However, running .NET Core unit tests is not supported so far: this is going to be addressed in the next update.
Structural navigation with Tab
Structural navigation with Tab
ReSharper now allows using Tab and Shift+Tab keys to jump between logical pieces of your code, similar to how you navigate in your web browser.
For example, when editing a for statement, Tab will select the initializer statement, then the terminating condition and then the iterator statement. Shift+Tab will make these selections in reverse order.
When the cursor sits before the first non-whitespace character in a line, you can still use Tab for indentation.
Learn more: how ReSharper makes Tab great again
Go to Text for textual search
Go to Text for textual search
A new navigation action, Go to Text (Ctrl+T,T,T), lets you quickly find and navigate to any text in source and textual files that are included in your solution. Similar to other navigation commands, if there are too many matching items, you can hit + on the numeric keypad to explore results in the Find Results window.
Advanced ReSharper users may recall an older plugin called Go to Word, and the new navigation action re-implements the functionality of this highly popular plugin right inside the mainline ReSharper.
Warnings in solution-wide analysis
Warnings in solution-wide analysis
If you're using solution-wide analysis, you know that normally, its red status bar indicator turns green as soon as the last error in solution is fixed.
Starting from 2016.2, you can make the indicator stay orange as long as your solution contains any unresolved warnings: both actual compiler warnings and ReSharper's inspections with the Warning severity level.
It is still up to you whether to enable the solution-wide analysis and whether to make it show warnings: you can right-click the status bar indicator to configure everything.
C# typing assistance
More C# typing assistants
ReSharper 2016.2 introduces a set of new C# typing assistance features that correct subtle mistypes as you enter code.
For example, if you happen to type MethodName(.), this will be automatically replaced with MethodName()., allowing you to keep entering a call chain without having to deal with an invalid syntax error.
Similarly, ReSharper will correct a mistyped @$ prefix to $@ in verbatim string interpolations.
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