KeepVID Pro v4.10.2.0

.: DESCRiPTiON :..
Download video or audio content from various websites and convert the retrieved files on your computer with this handy application
Although watching videos or listening to music online can be an excellent way to unwind after a stressful day at work, sometimes you might not be connected to the Internet, which prevents you from accessing your favorite content.
However, you can be one step ahead of this unfortunate situation and save the audio tracks or clips on your computer, so that you can enjoy them while being offline, as well. KeepVid Pro is one of the programs that can help you do so.
This program comes with a smooth, user-friendly interface and shelters a handful of straightforward, well-organized functions. Thus, it proves itself to be both highly accessible to many users and also efficient.
It encompasses a handy configuration menu that can be easily accessed from the dedicated menu on the top toolbar. Here you can set the maximum number of tasks that can be assigned to the app, reset the dialog warnings, toggle automatic YouTube closed captions downloading or choose the desired quality of YouTube videos.
Download online video or audio content
You can turn to KeepVid Pro if you need to save online video or audio content on your computer and also convert it to more acceptable formats without significant efforts. After you launch the application, you can download a video by copying its address and hitting the Paster URL button in the main window. If you need to download it as an MP3, you just need to select the Download MP3 option by clicking the arrow button next to the Paste URL one and choose the corresponding option.
It is also possible to export the contents of an online video to your computer by recording it. Doing so can be easily accomplished by clicking the appropriate button, navigating to the target page and hitting the Record button.
Convert downloaded content
This application also lets you convert the downloaded content to other formats without significant efforts. After saving them to your computer, you only need to click the Convert button and choose your desired format from the menu.
Handy tool that lets you download and record online video or audio content and convert it
All things considered, KeepVid Pro is a handy application that lets you download and record videos or audio tracks to your computer and also convert them if you want to. It comes with a smooth user interface, packs intuitive functions and provides you with a useful configuration menu.
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