MAGIX Samplitude Pro X3 v14.0.2.60

.: DESCRiPTiON :..
new tracks can be quite an extensive process and it’s important that
you get a quality product at the end of all the work. Samplitude Music
Studio is a nice program that offers a long list of features.
The app has a clean interface that should help you quickly find everything that you need.Whenever you start a new project, you can add all types of music files or record new ones with the help of a microphone. For instance, the program loads CD tracks and a large number of music and files, such as WAV, MP3, MPG, WMA, AIF, OGG, FLAC, MID and AVI.
Each track can be edited so only the favorite parts of the song may be kept, while many effects may be applied. For instance, you can insert distorts, bass effects, echoes, reverbs and delays, just to name a few. Some tempo modifications may be made as well.
The app comes with a few advanced features, such as a music mixer and synthesizer, which are very important tools.
All in all, Samplitude Music Studio is a nice program that can be used to create complex songs. This tool wasn’t created with first-time users in mind, but figuring out how to work with this app shouldn’t be too hard, considering it also includes an extensive help file.
Included in the program:
A 64-bit hybrid audio engine, powerful multicore support, 384 kHz sample rate, and VST3 and ARA support make Samplitude Pro X3 a powerhouse for audio editing.
A creative center for professionalsA 64-bit hybrid audio engine, powerful multicore support, 384 kHz sample rate, and VST3 and ARA support make Samplitude Pro X3 a powerhouse for audio editing.
With detailed MIDI editing, high end plug-ins for sound design and editing, professional software instruments and a sound neutral audio engine, Samplitude Pro X3 forms the creative heart of your music production.
A range of sophisticated functions for audio recording makes Samplitude Pro X3 a highly flexible solution for complex music and film projects. Take advantage of up to 999 tracks, the possibility to record in up to 384 kHz and intuitive track compiling to realize your projects in the highest quality possible.
Music production
Samplitude Pro X3 includes a huge range of both modern and classic software instruments. Produce music with groove boxes, synthesizers and authentic sampler instruments from a variety of countries and eras. A combination of extensive MIDI functionality and smooth workflows enables you to bring musical ideas to life on a professional level.
Mixing & mastering
The program includes features to support mixing and mastering, such as the VCA fader, multiple outputs, hardware protocol support and a range of included VST effects. With the Audio Engine, you're guaranteed accurate and professional results.
What's New in MAGIX Samplitude Pro X3:
- Independence Sampler with a 12 GB database
- Vandal Special Edition
- 20 virtual instruments
- ARA VST extension
- Melodyne essential
- New mixer layouts
- Zynaptiq Orange Vocoder ME
- Birdline Platinum Pack V.6.0
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