
.: DESCRiPTiON :..
and record actions, then link them together to easily create automated
online or offline tasks to eliminate the routine from your daily
If you use the computer as your main tool to perform
your day-to-day activities, surely you come across routines that involve
running the same apps each time you start working. Luckily, developers
came up with various specialized applications like WinAutomation that
give you the possibility to record an action and trigger it with minimum
effort.Multiple ways to create tasks
The application is heavily equipped with features and you'll be able to automate a large majority of tasks. It's recommended to take your time and practice with the rich library of predefined processes to get familiar with all options.
An abundance of predefined functions you can use
The job designer is where you spend most of your time. A side panel provides quick access to all implemented actions. An impressive array of system functions, conditionals, loops, text actions, web automation tasks are at your disposal. These are just categories, with each holding a breathtaking amount of elements you only need to drag over your workspace.
Configure hotkeys and generate executable files
There is no limit to the depth of a task you can create, as long as it's properly arranged. On the other hand, you can take advantage of an integrated debugger to identify any possible flaws, which comes in handy for complex tasks.
As long as the application is running, you can start and stop any task. What's more, you can attribute custom hotkeys to each action to easily have them triggered and stopped. In terms of accessibility, there's a neat feature that lets you generate an executable file you only need to run to trigger a job. This comes in handy for creating tasks you can use on the go.
To sum it up
All in all, WinAutomation deserves a seat at the winners table, giving you the possibility to automate almost any type of activity you can or need to perform on a computer. It can be used to greatly enhance your workflow, with multiple creation tools, implemented scheduler, and even the possibility to create individual programs to use on the go. If you want to reduce or eliminate routine related to computer activities, this might just be the solution.
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